68 customizable lessons, aligned with National Standards, exams and more.
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bills introduced in 17 states
bills active in 17 states
bills signed into law in 1 states
“Guarantee State” - Currently guarantees - or is implementing - a one-semester personal finance course for all HS students before graduation
"Active Status" - Bill has had hearing(s), revision(s), vote(s), update(s) and/or commentary within the past 90 days
"Mission 2030" - Bill is supported by Next Gen Personal Finance’s affiliated advocacy organization, NGPF Mission 2030 Fund
Sens. Bill Wielechowski and Elvi Gray-Jackson
Establishes Financial Literacy "program" in public schools. Embedded requirement.
Hearing in Senate Finance Committee on 4/2/25
Reps. Anthony Hartsook and Jennifer Bacon; Sens. Jeff Bridges and Lisa Frizell
As amended, standalone high school personal finance graduation requirement, paired with...
As amended, standalone high school personal finance graduation requirement, paired with FAFSA completion requirement within the state ICAP system.
Passed in House Education Committee (8 Yea - 5 Nay) on 3/6/25
Reps. Daryl Campbell, Dan Daley
Adds to required financial literacy course for 9-12 by adding career readiness, financial...
Adds to required financial literacy course for 9-12 by adding career readiness, financial literacy, and home economics concepts to the 1003.42 'Required instruction' statute for grades 9-12. Companion bill to SB816.
1st Reading 3/4/25
Sen. Kristen Arrington
Adds to required financial literacy course for 9-12 by adding career readiness, financial literacy, and home economics concepts to the 1003.42 'Required instruction' statute for grades 9-12. Companion bill to HB737.
Referred to Senate Education Committee on 3/4/25
Reps. Justin Woodson, Terez Amato, Cory Chun, Diamond Garcia, Daniel Holt, Kirstin Kahaloa,...
Reps. Justin Woodson, Terez Amato, Cory Chun, Diamond Garcia, Daniel Holt, Kirstin Kahaloa, Darius Kila, Lisa Kitagawa, Trish La Chica, Nicole Lowen, Lisa Marten, Scot Matayoshi, Daynette Morikawa, Mahina Poepoe, Jackson Sayama, Adrian Tam, David Tarnas, Chris Todd, Gene Ward
Requires HDOE to implement an embedded financial literacy requirement in high schools.
Passed First Reading in Senate on 2/28/25
Sen. Dru Kanuha
Embedded requirement. Includes teacher PD and implementation rulemaking. Companion to...
Embedded requirement. Includes teacher PD and implementation rulemaking. Companion to HB936.
Referred to Senate Education Committee on 1/27/25
Sens. Glenn Wakai, Henry Aquino, Stanley Chang, Brandon Elefante, Kurt Fevella, Mike...
Sens. Glenn Wakai, Henry Aquino, Stanley Chang, Brandon Elefante, Kurt Fevella, Mike Gabbard, Troy Hashimoto, Dru Kanuha, Michelle Kidani, Donna Kim, Chris Lee, Karl Rhoads, Tim Richards, and Joy San Buenaventura.
Requires students in Gr. 9-12 to complete one-half credit in financial literacy before...
Requires students in Gr. 9-12 to complete one-half credit in financial literacy before graduation, requires financial literacy instruction K-12, and requires the Board of Education to provide financial literacy professional development. Companion to HB865.
Referred to Senate Education Committee on 1/23/25
Reps. Cory Chun, Terez Amato, Kirstin Kahaloa, Rachele Fernandez Lamosao, Mike Lee, Nicole...
Reps. Cory Chun, Terez Amato, Kirstin Kahaloa, Rachele Fernandez Lamosao, Mike Lee, Nicole Lowen, Lisa Marten, Scot Matayoshi, Tyson Miyake, Mahina Poepoe, Jenna Takenouchi, Adrian Tam, David Tarnas, Chris Todd
Requires HDOE to require the teaching of financial literacy to be included in the existing...
Requires HDOE to require the teaching of financial literacy to be included in the existing personal transition plan requirement for each student starting 2026-2027.
Referred to House Education and Finance Committees on 1/21/25
Reps. Trish La Chica, Diamond Garcia, Darius Kila, Sam Kong, Nicole Lowen, Scot Matayoshi,...
Reps. Trish La Chica, Diamond Garcia, Darius Kila, Sam Kong, Nicole Lowen, Scot Matayoshi, Tyson Miyake, Ikaika Olds, Elijah Pierick, Mahina Poepoe, Kanani Souza, Adrian Tam, Chris Todd, and Gene Ward
Requires students in Gr. 9-12 to complete one-half credit in financial literacy before graduation, requires financial literacy instruction K-12, and requires the Board of Education to provide financial literacy professional development. Companion to SB605.
Pending introduction on 1/21/25
Rep. Greggor Ilagan
Embedded requirement. Includes teacher PD and implementation rulemaking. Companion to SB1277.
Introduced and referred to House Education Committee on 1/23/25
Sens. Tim Richards, Stanley Chang, Samantha DeCorte, Brandon Elefante, Troy Hashimoto, Dru...
Sens. Tim Richards, Stanley Chang, Samantha DeCorte, Brandon Elefante, Troy Hashimoto, Dru Kanuha, Donna Kim, and Joy San Buenaventura
Very similar to SB91. Requires HDOE to require the teaching of financial literacy to be...
Very similar to SB91. Requires HDOE to require the teaching of financial literacy to be included in the existing personal transition plan requirement for each student starting 2026-2027.
Referred to Senate Education and Ways & Means Committees on 1/21/25
Sens. Brandon Elefante, Henry Aquino, Stanley Chang, Kurt Fevella, Troy Hashimoto, Dru...
Sens. Brandon Elefante, Henry Aquino, Stanley Chang, Kurt Fevella, Troy Hashimoto, Dru Kanuha, Chris Lee, Donna Kim, and Sharon Moriwaki
Requires the HDOE to include the teaching of financial literacy in the personal transition...
Requires the HDOE to include the teaching of financial literacy in the personal transition plan requirement for each student beginning with the 2027-2028 school year.
Pending introduction in the Senate on 1/8/25
Sens. Stacey Donato and Linda Rogers
Grant program for financial education and career preparedness curriculum adoption in...
Grant program for financial education and career preparedness curriculum adoption in schools. Companion bill to HB1135
Referred to Committee on Education and Career Development on 01/13/24
Reps. Ben Smaltz, Jake Teshka, and Dave Heine
Grant program for financial education and career preparedness curriculum adoption in schools. Companion bill to SB481.
First reading and referred to Committee on Govt and Regulatory Reform on 1/8/25
Reps. Michael Meredith, Steve Bratcher, Beverly Chester-Burton, Daniel Elliott, Ken Fleming,...
Reps. Michael Meredith, Steve Bratcher, Beverly Chester-Burton, Daniel Elliott, Ken Fleming, Vanessa Grossl, Sarah Stalker
Standalone, one credit personal finance course requirement for high school students
Signed by Governor on March 24, 2025, making Kentucky the 27th state with a...
Signed by Governor on March 24, 2025, making Kentucky the 27th state with a standalone PF course guaranteed for all high school students.
Rep. Matthew Willard
Adds paying for postsecondary education as a content expectation in the state's required...
Adds paying for postsecondary education as a content expectation in the state's required one-credit Financial Literacy course.
Filed 3/11/25 and referred to the House Committee on Education on 3/14/25
Sens. Mattie Larsen Daughtry, Susan Bernard, Timothy Nangle, Joseph Rafferty; Reps. Nathan...
Sens. Mattie Larsen Daughtry, Susan Bernard, Timothy Nangle, Joseph Rafferty; Reps. Nathan Carlow, Edward Crockett, Kelly Murphy, David Woodsome
Standalone Personal Finance graduation requirement
Hearing April 1, 2025 at 1:00pm in the Joint Education & Cultural Affairs...
Hearing April 1, 2025 at 1:00pm in the Joint Education & Cultural Affairs Committee
Reps. Edward Crockett, Marshall Archer, Arthur Bell, William Bridgeo, Nathan Carlow, Sheila...
Reps. Edward Crockett, Marshall Archer, Arthur Bell, William Bridgeo, Nathan Carlow, Sheila Lyman, Karen Montell, and David Rollins
1 year Personal Finance requirement within HS math requirements
Hearing in Committee on Education & Cultural Affairs on 2/27/25
Reps. David Rollins, William Bridgeo, Deqa Dhalac, Andrew Gattine, and Kimberly Haggan; Sen....
Reps. David Rollins, William Bridgeo, Deqa Dhalac, Andrew Gattine, and Kimberly Haggan; Sen. Richard Bradstreet
Directs the DOE to report on financial literacy education in the Maine System of Learning...
Directs the DOE to report on financial literacy education in the Maine System of Learning Results
Referred to Joint Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs on 2/20/25
Sens. Benjamin Brooks and Ron Watson
Requires each county board of ed to allow successful completion of eligible financial...
Requires each county board of ed to allow successful completion of eligible financial literacy courses to fulfill student service hours graduation requirement. Begins with 2026-2027 school year. Cross-filed with HB326.
Hearing scheduled for 3/7/25 at 1:00pm in Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment...
Hearing scheduled for 3/7/25 at 1:00pm in Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee
Del. Catherine Forbes
Requires each county board of ed to allow successful completion of eligible financial literacy courses to fulfill student service hours graduation requirement. Begins with 2026-2027 school year.
Hearing in House Ways & Means Committee on 1/29/25 at 1:00pm
Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes an implementation fund. Identical to...
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes an implementation fund. Identical to SD1175 and H46.
Filed 1/15/25
Sen. Patrick O'Connor
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes fund for implementation. Identical to...
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes fund for implementation. Identical to HD391 and H46.
Treasurer Deb Goldberg
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes fund for implementation. Companion to...
Embedded financial education standards. Establishes fund for implementation. Companion to HD931 and SD1175.
Sens. Dennis DeBar, Daniel Sparks, Robin Robinson, David Parker, Sarita Simmons, Michael...
Sens. Dennis DeBar, Daniel Sparks, Robin Robinson, David Parker, Sarita Simmons, Michael McLendon, Tyler McCaughn, Benjamin Suber, Chad Mcmahan, Nicole Boyd, Albert Butler, and Walter Michel
Since Mississippi already requires a personal finance course in high schools, the impact of...
Since Mississippi already requires a personal finance course in high schools, the impact of this proposal is unclear. Requires a 1/2 Carnegie Unit Personal Finance Course which all students are already required to take in the statewide College and Career Readiness course.
Passed Senate. Referred to House Education and Appropriations Committees on 2/26/25
Rep. Rob Roberson
Requires state BOE to create a financial literacy curriculum for Gr. 6-8 by 2026-2027;...
Requires state BOE to create a financial literacy curriculum for Gr. 6-8 by 2026-2027; Requires passage of a 1/2 Carnegie Unit Course in Financial Literacy as a graduation requirement for all public high school students. Mississippi already has a 1-year HS Financial Literacy graduation requirement, so the high school component is redundant.
Transmitted to Senate 2/13/25
Sens. Marilyn Dondero Loop, Edgar Flores, Michelee Cruz-Crawford, Richard Daly, Roberta...
Sens. Marilyn Dondero Loop, Edgar Flores, Michelee Cruz-Crawford, Richard Daly, Roberta Lange, Rochelle Nguyen, James Ohrenschall, Julie Pazina, Melanie Scheible; Reps. Duy Nguyen, Natha Anderson, and Joe Dalia
Updates requirements in grades 1-12 for the state Seal of Financial Literacy.
Hearing in Senate Education Committee on 3/3/25 at 1:00pm
Sens. Vin Gopal, Angela McKnight, and Shirley Turner
Closes loophole in NJ state statute. Requires financial literacy course for graduation.
Passed 5-0 out of Senate Education Committee on 12/5/24
Asm. Lisa Swain
Assembly Bill identical to S3497
Referred to Assembly Education Committee 9/19/24
Asm. Sarah Clark
Financial literacy course to be offered for students in Gr. 9-12. Prescribes standard...
Financial literacy course to be offered for students in Gr. 9-12. Prescribes standard areas.
Introduced and referred to Assembly Education Committee on 1/9/25
Sens. Leroy Comrie, Joseph Addabbo, Jeremy Cooney, Nathalia Fernandez, Patrick Gallivan,...
Sens. Leroy Comrie, Joseph Addabbo, Jeremy Cooney, Nathalia Fernandez, Patrick Gallivan, Robert Jackson, Rachel May, Zellnor Myrie, Luis Sepulveda, and Alexis Weik
Requires high schools in Gr 9-12 to provide a course in financial literacy; requires...
Requires high schools in Gr 9-12 to provide a course in financial literacy; requires students to complete such course as a condition of graduation.
Introduced and referred to Senate Education Committee on 1/8/25
Sens. Leroy Comrie and Peter Harckham
Instruction in financial education be provided to pupils in Gr. 9-12
Asms. Sam Berger, Maryjane Shimsky, Donna Lupardo, Brian Maher, and Anil Beephan
Instruction in financial education be provided to pupils in Gr. 9-12 (companion bill to...
Instruction in financial education be provided to pupils in Gr. 9-12 (companion bill to S95)
Reps. Brandy Pyle, Karen Grindberg, Anna Novak, Emily O'Brien, Cynthia Schreiber-Beck, and...
Reps. Brandy Pyle, Karen Grindberg, Anna Novak, Emily O'Brien, Cynthia Schreiber-Beck, and Dan Vollmer; Sens. Michelle Axtman, Sean Cleary, and Scott Meyer
(Amended) Ineffective embedded financial literacy requirement.
Senate Education Committee hearing on 3/19/25. Amended to remove standalone...
Senate Education Committee hearing on 3/19/25. Amended to remove standalone course provision on 2/12/25. Passed second reading 90-0 on 2/21/25. Transmitted to Senate on 2/24/25.
Sens. Peter Flores, Brent Hagenbuch, Royce West
Makes Personal Financial Literacy & Economics (PFLE) a graduation requirement
Added co-sponsors. Awaiting hearing in Senate Education K-16 Committee (updated 3/26/25)
Rep. Ken King
Standalone personal finance graduation requirement.
Pending in House Education Committee after hearing on 3/18/25
Sen. Jose Menendez
Requires the SBOE to require high school students to complete at least one course with...
Requires the SBOE to require high school students to complete at least one course with two-thirds of instruction time in personal financial literacy.
Referred to Senate Education Committee on 3/11/25
Reps. Ken King, Linda Garcia
Standalone Personal Financial Literacy graduation requirement
Filed 2/5/25
Rep. Steve Toth
Companion to SB625
Filed in House on 1/22/25
Rep. Mihaela Plesa
Embeds some personal finance in required economics course.
Pre-filed on 11/14/24
Reps. Skyler Rude, Monica Stonier, Debra Lekanoff, Beth Doglio, Travis Couture, April...
Reps. Skyler Rude, Monica Stonier, Debra Lekanoff, Beth Doglio, Travis Couture, April Connors, Liz Berry, Dan Bronoske, Mari Leavitt, Cindy Ryu, Lauren Davis, Andrew Barkis, Ed Orcutt, Cyndy Jacobsen, Roger Goodman, Jim Walsh, Mike Steele, Dave Paul, Steve Tharinger, Mark Klicker, Greg Nance, Carolyn Eslick, Jamila Taylor, Michelle Caldier, Lisa Parshley, Michael Keaton, John Ley, Joe Timmons, Gerry Pollet, Jake Fey, Tarra Simmons, Natasha Hill
"[Intent] to make financial education instruction a graduation requirement" for the...
"[Intent] to make financial education instruction a graduation requirement" for the graduating class of 2033. Includes local school board implementation plans, State Board and Financial Education Public Private Partnership implementation plans. Companion Bill to SB5080.
Passed 3rd Reading 94-3 on 3/5/25
Sen. Javier Valdez, Adrian Cortes, Paul Harris, Deborah Krishnadasan, Marko Liias, T'wina...
Sen. Javier Valdez, Adrian Cortes, Paul Harris, Deborah Krishnadasan, Marko Liias, T'wina Nobles, Tina Orwall, Marcus Riccelli, Rebecca Saldana, Sharon Shewmake, Yasmin Trudeau, Claire Wilson
"[Intent] to make financial education instruction a graduation requirement" for the graduating class of 2033. Includes local school board implementation plans, State Board and Financial Education Public Private Partnership implementation plans. Companion bill to HB1285.
Hearing in Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee on 1/28/25 at 8:00am
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