Consumer Skills
Certification Course

Consumer Skills


Cohort #46
Session type:
Self Paced
Session deadline:
Complete 5 modules by 8/21
Exam window:
8/16 - 8/23
Complete 5 self-paced modules
Deadline: 8/21
Exam Window
8/16 - 8/23


Consumer Skills

In this course, participants examine the lives of modern consumers. We explore targeted advertising, social media influencers, deceptive web design elements, advanced scams, fraud threats, fake product reviews, and more!

Session #1
How Social Media Influences Spending
Session #2
Big Data & Targeted Advertising, Dark Patterns
Session #3
Comparison Shopping Skills, How eCommerce Business Models Affect Budgeting
Session #4
Second Hand Savvy, Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft
Session #5
Consumer Ethics